Without followership, you can’t lead and grow either.


Leadership is not just about a leader. Followership is not just about a follower.

Leaders need followers.


Leadership without followership is useless.


The most important aspect of leadership is followership.


Leadership and followership are equally important but again, different skills.



  • For the leader, leadership is about inspiring, empowering, and enabling followers to thrive.
  • Leadership is about accountability.
  • Leadership is about trust.
  • Leadership is about creating an environment where people can follow.
  • Leadership is about is about being true to yourself, and being clear about where you are heading to.
  • A leader has the power to influence others to accomplish a purpose.
  • The leader’s job is to create a vision, share it with others, give guidance, and get out of the way.



  • Followership is about creating a space for leaders to succeed.
  • A follower has the power of example.
  • Followership is about responsibility.
  • Followership is about trustworthiness.
  • The follower’s job is to listen, think, and then act as appropriate.

It is important to be a leader and a follower at different times in your life.


Tango is a dance of leadership and followership.


While it’s true that leadership is about leading yourself, and followership is about following your leader, these skills are not mutually exclusive. They are both equally important but have different skill sets with unique challenges and responsibilities.


Leadership in Tango is not just about inspiring others to follow you; it’s also about inspiring yourself to act on behalf of those who have entrusted their trust in you as both their leader and friend (or even just acquaintance).


Follower leaders must be trustworthy themselves because if there isn’t mutual trust between team members, then neither one will feel safe taking risks or trying new things–and this hinders growth both individually and as a team!


Leadership and followership are not just about the leader or follower. They are both equally important skill sets that need to be mastered for any organization to succeed. If leaders can’t lead themselves, then they will never be able to lead others effectively.


But, if followers don’t know how to follow well enough then they will never be able to help their leaders succeed either!