I started my Tango classes. And what I found there is summarized in these lines below.


Tango is a real business – a deep philosophy on strategy, leadership, communication style, relationships, development, and fulfilment. In Tango there are no boundaries, no limitations, but there is adaptability and inspiration.


Everyone is welcome to take his role on the floor.


A team takes minimum two, a leader and a follower. For a team it is essential to know what their destination is, what to achieve and execute and how they will do that. They need to be aligned upon the shared goal.

Before, your steps are on the floor, there is anxiety, concerns, lack of competence and self-confidence. There is TRUST in my leader, no pressure, no forceful energy between the two of us. Just, a powerful flow. He leads me, I accept the invitation to step up. I go out of my comfort zone.


Nothing happens overnight, there is no magical change. Tango requires focus and presence of mind, dedication to the universe between a leader and a follower and the environment.


A tango dancer has to be precise, patient and to think analytically. Improvisation is the result of mutual understanding of the two people. For this, you need to open up, embrace the different energy, find the way how to align and build the harmony.


And then, how the dance is performed is the conclusion of cohesion, sharing, acknowledging and respect of the needs in this unity.

My Tango teacher told me that learning would never end, and that there would be always an opportunity to improve and show more.


The fulfilment in Tango comes from inner self, not outward expression.


There is nothing left, then to step into deeper self, be transparent and enjoy the beat!